Instructor Bio
Harvey Harman

Harvey is a green builder, licensed plumber, conservation-oriented land developer, organic farmer, teacher, and writer. Harvey is influenced by his experiences of living in various community settings, including a remote retreat center in the cascade mountains in Washington state, and five years in a traditional, rural village in Southern Africa. Harvey initiated and helped develop the Sustainable Farming Program at Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) in Pittsboro, NC and has taught many classes at CCCC in the past 25 years in Sustainable Agriculture, Permaculture, Green Building, and Construction/Plumbing. Harvey was the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association Farmer of the Year in 1998.
Presently Harvey is the Director of Construction and Land Acquisition/Development at Chatham Habitat for Humanity, and one of his passions is designing and building small and tiny houses. Harvey is equally passionate about developing self-sufficient homesites that produce their own energy, capture rainwater, grow food, and minimize their environmental impact.
Harvey serves on the board of the Deep River Folk School.